Easter Basket Ideas for all Ages

Easter is right around the corner! Brier Creek Commons is the perfect one-stop-shop for all of your Easter basket needs. To help you out, we've put together Easter basket ideas for the whole family!

For the babies

An Easter basket wouldn't be complete without a bunny! Stop by Carter's for the cutest Easter outfits and Barnes & Noble for the sweetest book for your baby!

Carters baby.jpgBetter Together Easter

guess how much b&n.pngGuess How Much I Love You
Barnes & Noble

carters bunny.jpgOrganic Cotton Bunny Lovie

bedtime touch b&n.pngBaby Touch & Feel: Bedtime
Barnes & Noble

for the kids

Brier Creek Commons is full of shops to spoil your little ones! Carter's, Barnes & Noble, Hallmark and Gigi's Cupcakes provide fun gifts and sweets to add to your kid's Easter basket.

barnes & noble - kids.pngClassic Tale of Peter Rabbit
Barnes & Noble

Dino dominos hallmark.pngDinosaur Dominoes

gigis.jpgEaster Cupcakes
Gigi's Cupcakes

craft kit hallmark.pngSpring Craft Kit

for the teens

It's not your traditional Easter basket! Gifts from Dick's Sporting Goods, Versona, Barnes & Noble and Gigi's Cupcakes will make your teens think that you are the coolest parent around!

gigi teens.jpgEaster Cupcakes
Gigi's Cupcakes

dicks teens.pngHydro Flask 24 oz 
Dicks' Sporting Goods

versona teens.pngFloral Mask & Bandana Set

barnes & noble teens.pngBaby Yoda Playing Cards
Barnes & Noble

for the grown-ups

Easter baskets have no age limit! Treat yourself, or a loved one, to a basket full of goodies from Hallmark, Barnes & Noble, Versona and Total Wine!

hallmark adults.pngGodiva Assorted Chocolates

barnes & noble adulg.pngPoppy Planter Grow Kit
Barnes & Noble

versona adults.pngBlue Light Blockers

total wine adults.jpgWine, Beer & More
Total Wine

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